Dr. Anne Manak


Dr. Anne Manak
Dr. Anne Manak Veterinarian / Facility Director

Dr. Manak graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College in 1997 and worked at East Oshawa Animal Hospital until 2001. She relocated to London, Ontario for a brief time but returned to East Oshawa in 2003 and has been here ever since. Over this time, she has developed an interest in both dentistry and ultrasound and has taken multiple courses in these areas to develop her skills.

At home she has 3 furry friends – a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever named Boomer and two cats that she rescued from the clinic named Mischa and Bandit. In her spare time you might find her golfing, cycling, cheering on the Maple Leafs or curled up in a corner reading a good book.